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Beauty salon 1 Kyiv
Red-haired girls... who are they and what is expected of them...

Spring is a time of freedom. Rivers are freed from ice, sprouts are freed from the tight captivity of seeds, the sky is freed from an endless gray veil...

We women are cyclical creatures, and, together with all of nature, we also want freedom. Freedom of soul and body. This is what we will talk about today.

What is women's freedom and non-freedom?

In general, in what case can you say about yourself “I am a free woman”?

We are not in prison, we are not chained to work, to the kitchen, to relationships that exhaust us... Physically, it seems, no.

But, as you yourself know, emotional and mental (i.e. mental, mental) connections are often stronger than physical ones. And they are capable of limiting our freedom much more...

Let me clarify. Now I’m not talking about external freedom, but about internal freedom.

An internally free woman will be happy, she will find a resource and a way out of any difficult circumstances. The internally unfree will suffer even in a prosperous situation.


And now more specifically about the steps of a woman’s inner freedom.


1. Free yourself from the need to be good. Do as you choose

We were all taught to be “good”, and in fact - comfortable girls

We have grown up a long time ago, but a set of criteria for “goodness” is imprinted in our consciousness.

  • “Keep your head down, keep quiet, you’ll pass for smart” (and then how to build a career?);
  • “Do not ask for toys and sweets, if they offer you a treat, refuse” (then the woman does not know how to accept gifts even from her beloved man, thereby killing his desire to do anything for her);
  • and the hit of all times: “Sex is a shame, good girls are embarrassed by this, only libertines love THIS” (and then again, they ask why you are not married or have no children)…

I think we should say goodbye to all these attitudes.

Yes, it is not easy and requires mental work. But how good it is that there are methods and courses that allow you to get rid of such “mental garbage”!

It is clear that chaos does not reign in the soul of a free woman. It has its own principles and rules. But she formulated and chose them herself.

And yes, some people may not like them. A free woman ceases to be comfortable. But usually she becomes happy and sincerely loved.



2. Free yourself from the need to always be right. Know that your opinion is valuable, but it's only your opinion :)

Another big lack of freedom is the reinforced concrete feeling of being right and the desire to convey it to everyone around you.

Remember how uncomfortable you feel when they try to impose on you the “holy truth” (“immutable traditions”, “life experience”, “competent opinion”, “foundations of ancestors”).

So, it’s much harder for a person who lives in all these “foundations” and broadcasts them. Because all his strength goes into preserving these bulky structures in our flexible and changing world.

Think about whether you have such attitudes and how you deal with them.

I am not calling for abandoning the description of the world altogether. Of course, you will have your own opinion on various issues.

But I think you need to review it from time to time, and, of course, not impose it on others. This is unnecessary pain and lack of freedom for you.

Yes, everything I write here is, of course, just my opinion 😉



3. Freeing yourself from the need to control everything. Trust yourself and the world

In fact, the idea that we can control anything at all is an illusion. 98% of incoming information generally passes by our consciousness.

Trying to hold on to everything and everyone and to keep track of everything, the lion's share of our energy is spent, which could go to creativity, restoration of health, and self-realization.

And, as a rule, the greatest lack of freedom lies in the desire to control others. This is an empty number on 100%.

We so want people (especially close ones) to behave in a certain way. We demand, ask, double-check. And usually, over and over again we suffer and burn our resources.

We live on a planet of free choice, and each person is responsible for his own life.

Close people and the world do not need to be controlled. Usually, just asking sincerely is enough.

If you don't get what you want, it's okay. This means they asked for the wrong thing and the wrong thing. Or the person simply cannot do it.

But, as a rule, people hear and fulfill requests - unlike orders.

Living in an “uncontrolled” world is generally more interesting.

After all, the Universe usually prepares something much better for us than we can even imagine!



4. Freeing yourself from the need to take everything personally. Distinguish between yourself and other people's perceptions of you

All your loved ones and acquaintances, of course, have some kind of image of you. This is not the real you. This is just their picture, an illusion - a cocktail of their memories, ideas, fantasies about you, also generously flavored with their own attitude towards the world.

Every person has the right to think and say whatever comes into his head. He can also judge and criticize you, and nothing can be done about it (we already talked about control).

What can you do? Choose how to react to this, as well as with whom and when to communicate.

And remember that the opinions of others about you, your appearance and actions are only their opinion.

And if it hurts you, you can think about why it hurts and work through this issue; or wonder if you have let someone who is destructive to you get too close.



5. Liberation from the need to sacrifice oneself. Perform any action with joy

Sacrifice, that is, giving up something that is significant to you for the sake of another person or idea, is always painful.

If some idea or concept makes you sacrifice, think about it, is it really that good?

And why sacrifice yourself, for example, for the sake of your loved ones, if you can simply help them according to your desire and strength.

You may not give as much as they want - you will give as much as you can. But this will be done sincerely, with joy.

Believe me, it will be good for both them and you.

Any energy invested is multiplied. A sacrifice starts a cycle of other victims, joy increases joy...


6. Don't force yourself to follow a rigid schedule. Listen to your own and natural cycles.

A woman is very closely connected with nature. Our lives are filled with rhythms - breathing, heartbeats, daily activity, monthly hormonal cycle and so on.

We are influenced by the revolutions of the Moon and the Sun, as well as other celestial bodies.

And this is not just “energetics”, but ordinary physics. If the Moon moves the waters of the world's oceans, and we are made of water at 70%, how can it not influence us?

Therefore, sometimes “unreasonable” melancholy sets in or the state of health slightly worsens - the body offers to restore strength. At some moments, mood and performance increase sharply, and so on.

Forcing yourself to always be an effective and resilient “iron lady” is not only lack of freedom, but also a path to illness.
Listening to yourself and living according to natural cycles is the greatest benefit for a woman. Perhaps one of the most important degrees of freedom that we can afford.



You may ask - how is this possible, given work, schedules, children, social demands?

In fact, I won’t give ready-made recipes. I will only say that if the first 5 steps are completed, the 6th step follows from them easily and naturally.

I wish you good luck on this journey!


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